Mot Studio
information graphics, music, exhibition design
SisTeMu is a graphic notation system which looks at interpreting musical texture. It consists of simple geometric forms and basic printing colours and it has been designed to translate musical score – mainly that of violins. It explores the rhythmic and melodic harmonies found in musical composition and somewhat simplifies the complexity and mathematical structure making it accessible to the viewer through a visual narrative.

Initially this prototype system was created for the making of another project – Lesquatrestacions. It was taken a step further for an exhibition at the gallery Miscelanea in Barcelona. People where invited to participate by offering their own compositions for translation.

For the same occasion 2 new translations/pieces where brought to light. 2 pieces intended for virtuoso violin players, Ysaye's Sonata N5 and Paganini's Capriccio 24.

created@ MOT with Laia Clos

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